My name is Tammie. I’m a married women with two teenage boys. I’m currently a student at Fife College, partaking in Counselling qualifications. My main aim is to help others gain confidence and understand any issues that may be holding them back from a fruitful life. My hobbies are Yoga, running and meeting up with friends. I also volunteer with Care and Share Companionship, this is enjoyable because it’s great to meet lots of new people. It’s fantastic to be involved in providing time, patience and quality to others.
Since the arrival of Covid-19 my duties at home, college and Care and Share Companionship have changed and become more challenging. It’s busy trying to aid my two son’s home schooling, keeping them active and safe. My husband works away from home for long periods of time as a key worker. The one good thing to take from this change in all our circumstances is the my garden is in tip top condition. Our change in lifestyle has been a steep learning curve trying to provide everyone with enough technical time to carry out their tasks. This has brought many a memorable tale to our situation at this point in time.
As a member of Care and Share Companionship, I’ve spent time texting, emailing and calling companions. I offer support and fun quizzes, learning along the way. Another task that has been fun to do is shopping, delivering and having a wee chat from a safe distance. It’s good to help others in need! I’ve felt blessed to be able to do a few things that make a small difference to my community. A girl always enjoys a shopping experience or two, even if its for essentials.
I’d like to wish everyone a safe and healthy journey through these troubled times!