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August2020 Anne & D2.jpg
August Jean & Hazel.jpg

‘First night out with Care and Share Kirkcaldy and met a lovely lady. Can already see this is going to be very rewarding for me.’

Volunteers comments on her first match

‘I joined Care and Share to help me fill my days a little.Did not expect it to give me as much pleasure as it does.’

Volunteer’s comments

Friend commented that even 2 to 3 minutes on the phone made all the difference to him and thanked the service manager for calling him weekly.

The gentleman lived on his own had difficulty breathing at times and was very anxious. 60+

‘He ended the conversation by saying ‘I better stop talking now and give you a rest.

He certainly makes me smile every time I talk to him.’

Volunteer comments after weekly telephone call

‘He was in such a cheery mood and so thankful for my visit today, I think I enjoy the visits as much as he does.’

Volunteer Companion’s comments after her weekly visit to a gentleman 90+

A friend thanked the service manager for arranging a volunteer to take her to the bank. Her experience on this visit was like night and day unlike her previous visit.When she felt patronised and embarrassed by the way she was approached by a member of staff.She thanked service manager for calling the bank and said it had made a difference.Also said the volunteer companion was wonderful and very down to earth.

‘A fabulous programme’ - A friend of 90+

‘Thanks for today B is a lovely lady and you (Service Manager) really helped to make me feel at ease.’

Comment from volunteer companion after visiting lady with dementia.

‘Thanks for keeping me up to date.I have put this in mum’s calendar but usually only my sister and I look at it.

Many thanks for your hard work and support at this time.’

Keeping family informed.

Service Manager arranging introduction visit with volunteer companion to lady with dementia.

He said that my visits are making a great difference to him and he so looks forward to seeing me'

Friends comment to his volunteer

What a welcome I received after being on holiday. C was happy to see me and said she had missed and felt so lonely. It just shows how one weekly visit can mean so much to someone. We had lunch and washed up. Had a good chat and some laughs and she played some of her music.


Volunteer Companion’s report after her visit

‘I have arranged to call my friend next week.He says my calls brighten his day which is great.’

Volunteer comment

S has been calling me on the dot at 2pm every week.I couldn’t have asked for a nicer person.She is lovely, down to earth and easy to talk to.’

A friend receiving support 80+

‘These visits are helping.I had a meeting with social work yesterday and it has been over a month since mum has been wandering confused.Many thanks to the volunteer companion.’

From daughter after a few weeks of volunteer companion visiting

‘Thank you for the update.  I am pleased that you continue to support Mrs D.’

SN Westfield Day Hospital

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