Hello Care and Share Companionship (CSC) readers.
It's me again Annie.
I hope you're all managing to find something, however wee, to get you through the lockdown.
I've been looking to my dog, my husband, the odd extra packet of crisps and my new CSC friend.
Due to the lockdown I've not been able to meet my new pal in person but I've been ringing him twice a week for a blether and what a diamond he is so I'm going to call him 'D' for diamond going forward.
I'm prone to over thinking things but I think (see I'm doing it again) that it's good to look for the positives in any given situation. It would have been lovely to meet 'D' in person but getting to know each other over the phone has been a definite bonus.
I feel like I'm on the TV singing programme with the 4 red chairs and the big buttons where the contestants sing without being seen. I've just remembered it's name - The Voice. A great concept where you're judged on talent alone.
In a similar way myself and 'D' have been able to get to know one another without pre-judging each other. There are no expectations 're age or gender. There just a mutual warmth and respect.
I look forward to our calls and I hope 'D' enjoys our conversations as much as I do. I feel like I've a acquired a pal, a mentor, someone full of wisdom and knowledge.
As I said in my previous blog I'm fairly new to Fife and to hear stories of Fife now and in days gone by helps me feel part of my new world.
Like all of us I'm looking forward to the lockdown easing a bit. Getting out and about and finally getting to meet 'D' in person and spending some companionable time together.
So here's to my next blog entry when maybe I'll finally get to meet 'D'....... Here's hoping and I'll keep you updated.